Sunday, August 25, 2013

Back on Track

This blog was always meant to be "an interactive, public document of my developing thoughts on skills acquisition, pedagogy, and practice," but for the past year and a half, its only purpose has been to record updates. Well, it's time for the blog to become a blog again. No, I don't have a new post ready. But I have added a new section to the site that will replace the blog as an update announcement tool. Henceforth, the blog will be for blogging, and site development will be documented in the update log. (I've already migrated all of the " Update" blog posts to that section and deleted the posts from here.)

So . . . anytime you'd like to see "what's new" on, you can just pop in to the updates section. And with the blog space opened up again, hopefully—dissertation priorities notwithstanding—I'll get back to making the occasional post.